Saturday 8 August 2015

Refugee corner

It's spring & it's time to start  with gardening. This year I have created a small recovery space for our green friends who have lost their way in the past year. 

Patient no.1- Monstera

About a year ago our friend was moving house and gave us 2 monstera branches. The Monstera below got the 'unpopular spot' in front garden and has not grown at all, while the other monstera has grown 7 leafs over 50cm each! So this is the second chance for him to become a hero indoor plant. Fingers crossed it will work!

Patient no.2 - Venus Flytrap
Present for Mark from Krisso. Only came to our house 6 months ago and needs some intense love to make the comeback.

Patient no.3 - Pine Bonsai 

Unloved. Unhappy. 6month old.

Patient no.4 - pudding tree. 

Was actually doing ok outside but we thought to try to convert it to indoor plant. Let's see how this goes;)

Patent no.5 - Mini Monstera
Brand new dweller from Loose Leaf

Patent no.6 - baby's Tears
Relicating inside. 

Patient no.7 - Maiden Hair
We have tried to grow it more than twice and it always ends like this ;( 

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